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We also offer a range of short webinars which aim to be informative, interactive and efficient ways to find out what you need to know.   To find out how to reserve your place, contact us on the details below.  

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Online information events - applying for teacher training

Listen to a presentation from one of our leadership team with useful advice about completing your DFE application and preparing for your interview.  

Find out more
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Talk to a recent trainee

This online event provides you with the opportunity to hear about the reality of teacher training and our programmes from someone who has just been through it.  

Find out more
St Richards

Online information event - our Primary programmes

A chance to listen to our Primary ITT programme leader describing the key features of our primary teacher training courses and ask any questions you may have.    Contact us for the details of how to reserve your place and to get the access code.   

Dates and times to be announced. 

Find out more